I became a Christian aged eleven, through the example of the leaders at Guildford Crusaders – now called Urban Saints. My faith was strengthened at Durham University, where I was the Secretary of the Christian Union. I did a Theology Degree and later an MA in Biblical Studies at King’s College London. I have a high view of the Bible which is called “evangelical” and a high view of church tradition which is called “anglo-catholic”.
I have been involved in Church of England governance for a long time:
- Member of staff of the National Church Institutions: Ministry Division (1995-7); Archbishops’ Commission on the Organisation of the Church of England (1997-8); Statistics Unit (1999-2000); Central Secretariat, House of Bishops (2000-7).
- Parochial Church Council (PCC) member about 2001-7 and 2010-current.
- Deanery Synod member 2010-current.
- Diocesan Synod member 2010-2015 and 2018-2021.
- General Synod member 2010-2015.
- Bishop’s Council member 2015-2018.
- Churchwarden 2017- 2020 and 2022-current.
I work for a legal organisation as a Head of Policy, including giving ethical assistance on the code of conduct. Note: this is a personal website; it is unrelated to any views of my employer.
I have the pleasure to be married with three children.